副教授 西北大学 地质学系 2023.01至今
借调 国家自然科学基金委 地球科学部地学二处地质学科 2021.03~2021.08
讲师 西北大学 地质学系 2020.07~2023.01
博士后 西北大学 地质学系 2018.01~2020.06
联合培养 休斯顿大学 地球与大气科学系 2014.10~2016.04
博士 南京大学 地质学专业 2011.09~2017.12
本科 南京大学 地质学专业 2007.09~2011.06
Chang, C., Wang, Z., Huang, K.-J., Yun, H. and Zhang, X. (2022) Nitrogen cycling during the peak Cambrian explosion. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 336, 50-61.
Liu, W., Zhang, X., Duan, L., Chang, C. and Liu, X. (2022) Rain shower on a Cambrian mudflat. Science Bulletin.
Yun, H., Luo, C., Chang, C., Li, L., Reitner, J. and Zhang, X. (2022) Adaptive specialization of a unique sponge body from the Cambrian Qingjiang biota. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289, 20220804.
Liu, W., Chang, C., Yun, H., Cui, L. and Zhang, X. (2021) A laminated microbial ecosystem at the summit of the Cambrian Explosion. Global and Planetary Change 205.
Wang, Z., Chang, C., Zhang, X., Ju, P., Lu, Y., Meng, Z. and Huang, K.-J. (2021) Possible response of N2O emission to marine redox fluctuation during the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition in Nanhua Basin, South China. Precambrian Research 365.
Zhang, X., Chang, C., Cui, L. and Qiao, Y. (2021) Ecosystem Reconstruction during the Cambrian Explosion. Paleontological Research 25.
Chang, C., Hu, W., Wang, X., Huang, K.-J., Yang, A. and Zhang, X. (2019) Nitrogen isotope evidence for an oligotrophic shallow ocean during the Cambrian Stage 4. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 257, 49-67.
Chang, C., Fu, Q. and Wang, X. (2019) Linear Correlation of Ba and Eu Contents by Hydrothermal Activities: A Case Study in the Hetang Formation, South China. Geofluids 2019.
Chang, C., Hu, W.-X., Fu, Q., Cao, J., Wang, X.-L., Wan, Y. and Yao, S.-P. (2018) Characteristics and formation processes of (Ba, K, NH4)-feldspar and cymrite from a lower Cambrian black shale sequence in Anhui Province, South China. Mineralogical Magazine 82, 1-21.
Chang, C., Hu, W., Wang, X., Yu, H., Yang, A., Cao, J. and Yao, S. (2017) Carbon isotope stratigraphy of the lower to middle Cambrian on the eastern Yangtze Platform, South China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 479, 90-101.
Chang, C., Hu, W., Fu, Q., Cao, J., Wang, X. and Yao, S. (2016) Characterization of trace elements and carbon isotopes across the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary in Anhui Province, South China: Implications for stratigraphy and paleoenvironment reconstruction. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 125, 58-70.
1. 寒武纪大爆发时期大气CO2浓度重建——基于疑源类和宏观藻类化石C同位素的新探索,42272006,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2023.01~2026.12,主持
2. 寒武系第四阶古环境演变特征及其与生物演化事件的关系,41802026,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2019.01~2021.12,主持
3. 新疆阿克苏地区寒武纪早期Mo同位素特征初探,
4. 寒武纪清江生物群研究,41930319,国家自然科学基金重点项目,2020.01~2024.12,项目骨干
5. 新元古代—寒武纪之交构造—环境—生命重大转折事件及其耦合关系,2022YFF0802700,国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,2023.01~2027.12,项目骨干
6. 寒武纪大爆发时期动物门类多样性及其演化关系研究, 41890845,国家自然科学基金重大项目,2019.01~2023.12,430万元,项目秘书